Six Ways to Connect with Customers Over the Phone

Sep 27, 2024
min read

In the service industry. the majority of customer service communication occurs over the phone. This is because phone communication is more immediate and personal than email. There is also a high likelihood that these interactions don’t start particularly pleasantly, as the customer is likely agitated by needing the type of services that are offered. Therefore, the burden rests with the customer service representative to make the interaction as pleasant as possible, especially if they want the customer to feel happy about the interaction.

Reduce wait times

Nobody wants to spend long amounts of time on hold. Do everything you can to reduce customers’ waiting time before they get to you. Offering options for them to contact you via other means, if they wish, is a great way to mitigate clogging your lines with less urgent requests. Your hold message can provide customers with information about your website, online booking, optional text communications, or even an offer to speak with an AI agent. Additionally, adding more team members or additional phone lines may also be warranted. Another option would be to offer the choice to leave a callback number, so they are not required to wait on hold. This would be increasingly effective if you are unable to reduce your wait times through other means.

Open with a warm greeting

In a world where first impressions are vital, your opening words set the tone for the conversations. A smile while you answer and use a simple greeting like “Good morning/afternoon, how can I assist you today?” goes a long way to establishing a welcome environment for the conversation. Introduce yourself and express enthusiasm for your ability to help the customer. Showing up with energy and a willingness to assist can make customers feel more valued and receptive throughout the call.

Customize the interaction based on needs

It is important to acknowledge that different customers have different needs that may require different approaches. They are individuals that should be treated as real people and not just as a phone number on the screen. Treating them as a unique person will help you to tailor your communication approach to address their specific needs. There is no “one-size-fits-all formula when dealing with customer interactions.

Practicing active listening will guide the interaction, allowing you to focus on what the customer is saying without interrupting or planning your own response while they are still talking. Give the customer the time and space to express their concerns and explain their problems in full.

Be empathetic and patient

Customers are often calling because they are facing a problem, and emotions can range from frustration to confusion. Remain patient, even when the customer may be venting. Acknowledge their feelings with statements like “I see”, “I can understand why you’d feel that way” or “That must be frustrating”. This attempts to build trust and can make the customer feel like they are heard. By showing patience and understanding, tense situations can be alleviated and help make the customer feel more comfortable. This can lead to a smoother conversation which helps resolve their issue more efficiently.

Make small talk

If the call has a more positive tone, consider making small talk with a customer. This goes a long way in treating them as real people and customers will return to brands that make them feel that way. Asking about their day, making a joke (if the tone is right), or asking about pets you hear in the background shows customers that you are invested in the conversation. This can take only thirty seconds but makes a big impact on the customer. Connecting on a personal level with small touches can make a big difference in how the customer perceives the interaction.

End on a positive note

Just as a greeting sets the tone for beginning the conversation, a positive closing can leave a lasting impression. Briefly summarize the call, any actions that need to be taken, and offer further assistance if required. If the process is multi-step, outline all the following steps that are required next, how to get back in touch, and who to reach for the next step of their process. Using phrases like “Please don’t hesitate to call us again if you need additional assistance” can reinforce that you are there to support them.


When customers call, they want quick, yet complete, solutions to their concerns. Even something as simple as obtaining information about a product or service your business offers. Especially when the customer is unhappy, a positive call can turn a situation around and rescue the customer experience. These techniques help foster positive experiences that lead to lasting customer satisfaction and loyalty.